Martin has more than two decades’ experience as a leading fund management and financial services regulatory expert. He has particular expertise when it comes to structuring and advising hedge funds, but advises across the whole alternative fund management industry.
Martin also provides regulatory support for our clients who are venture capital and private equity backed FinTechs, including P2P lending and crowdfunding platforms. And he also advises investors and ventures doing something where the FCA, FSMA and the associated red tape applies, including – and in particular – ventures building platforms and business models using blockchain driven technology.
Although qualified as a solicitor in England and Wales, Martin has a great deal of experience advising on cross-jurisdictional regulatory issues and with organising and working generally with advisors in other jurisdictions.
Outside of work, Martin is a member of the All England Lawn Tennis Club and he represents Surrey County and GB at World Seniors Championships.
Guildford College of Law
K&L Gates
Katten Muchin Rosenman
Lehman Brothers
Simmons & Simmons (a founding partner of the Hedge Funds group)
Recent articles by Martin Cornish